
Writing for stage and screen…”To survive, you must tell stories.”
–Umberto Eco

Adolfo Cruzado

Writing for Performance

My stories are about connections – stories inspired partly by my fascination with time and memory, and partly by various stories shared with family and friends. In developing these stories over time, the play became in part a reflective study of identity and sense of place.

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Stories to change the way we see the world…

Current Productions in Development


“I write to discover what I know.”
–Flannery O’Connor


Dear 21st Century

A Love Story

Shark in the Rockpool

A drama set in the surfing world

Funny Brain

A Comedy about Laughter


Whimsical in the most imaginative sense, their dialogue make it very easy to give Adolfo’s writing the benefit of the doubt. If the reality was not like this, it should have been.

Yoni Rusnak

The stories are manipulative, and sentimental, and it does sometimes feel derivative… But it is also sincere, affectionate, involving and presses its buttons so deftly I welled up exactly as I was supposed to. At least three times.

Kath McMorrow

Shark in the Rockpool is an intimate coming-of-age story that will leave you in tears.

Olenka Lena

In beautiful, disturbing, and confronting ways, Dear 21st Century compels the audience to see beyond the surface and recognize that people can be optical illusions – a double image hidden in plain sight.

Dan Cooper

‘Funny Brain’ makes a case that such dissection of comedy is still possible, and the resultant effort can reveal fathomless depths of analysis that can dismantle the nature of laughter and the human psyche.

Peter Jackson

Shark in the Rockpool is … a somewhat melancholy look at the difficulty of growing up and finding your place when you don’t seem to fit anywhere.

Tania Burrow

Meet Your Writer / Producers / Team

Adolfo Cruzado

Writer / Director

Born in Manila, Philippines, he studied History and Fine Arts at the University of Sydney, winning the ‘Noel Chettle Art Prize’. He completed an MA in media production at AFTRS, and did his internship at Robert de Niro’s Tribeca Films, New York. He has written and directed plays at Belvoir St. Downstairs (inc. ‘Fresh Off the Boat’, by David H. Hwang). He worked as an assistant to Neil Armfield on the STC’s production of Gogol’s ‘The Government Inspector’. As an actor he did national tours with Barry Humphries / Dame Edna, and in a musical, Cole Porter’s ‘Anything Goes’ for the Victorian State Opera. He was Jane Campion’s director’s assistant during post production of the film, ‘The Piano’.

He currently works as a post-producer and TV editor on documentary and non-scripted ‘reality’ TV shows – documentaries include ‘Fine Line – On Ethics and Journalism’, ‘The Secret History of Eurovision’, non-scripted include X Factor, My Kitchen Rules, Great Australian Bake Off, Chef’s Line, Ninja Warrior and Gogglebox. His stage plays, developed under PWA initiatives, ‘Media Academia Inc’, ‘Keeping In Touch’ and ‘Funny Brain’ have had readings at the Griffin Theatre and various presentations in the USA and Germany.

The Team

Providing a clear, inspiring vision sets the foundation for successful teamwork, and helps guide the direction of the group when they face challenges and decisions.

Building a high performance team involves more than just randomly assembling a group of talented individuals. For a team to be truly effective, its members must unite with the same vision and be motivated to bring that vision to life. They must share clear, measurable goals, and be committed to each play their part in the overall success of the group.